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Yearly Archives: 2017

BBC Work Experience

Each year the BBC welcomes over 1,000 people in on work experience. These are two week opportunities for you to come and see how we work at the BBC.

This is not a job or even a try-out for a job, but it is a way to get a better idea about what we do in the BBC across the UK and in every department – not just output teams.

There are more people who want to do work experience at the BBC each year than we have opportunities, so we ask you to complete an online profile which allows us to find out a bit about you and why you are interested in work experience at the BBC.

We also ask you to express a preference about dates, location and business area and when we have this information we will try and match you with a suitable placement  We invite you to contact us about work experience four times a year – in August, November, February and May.

Work experience is unpaid and we are unable to offer expenses. It is open to anyone aged 18 or over. We do have some limited opportunities for 16/17 year olds in some locations. Unfortunately, we can’t offer feedback if you are unsuccessful in your application.

Click here to read more details or to apply. Applicants must have the right to work in the UK.

Tomorrow’s Engineers Leaflet for Parents

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Tomorrow’s Engineers have released the 2017 edition of their leaflet for parents to support a child’s education in engineering. The leaflet is only 8 pages long so not exactly a Dan Brown doorstopper, and contains information about employment prospects, traits to look for in children, and resources to support their interests. Download the leaflet here and for more information about Tomorrow’s Engineers, click here.

McGill University Summer Academy

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McGill University, CA are once again running their successful summer school. From July 15-28th, 2018, high school students from all over the world will be welcomed on campus for two weeks to participate in classes, workshops, labs, and various activities introducing them to university life, McGill and Montréal! Students will be able to live and eat in one of the residences and see for themselves why Montréal was rated the #1 Student City in the World (QS Best Student Cities 2017)!

Registration will open February 2018.

For an FAQ, click here.

For more information, click here.

To sign up for the mailing list and receive updates, click here.

Starting Out: The LGBTQ Careers Guide

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Stonewall have released the 2017-18 edition of Starting Out, their careers guide for those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer, focusing on finding LGBTQ-inclusive employers, tips for your career, insights into the sector and stories from those who have succeeded.

You can find out more information at the official website. You can read the chief executive’s welcome, download the full guide free, or order a print copy.

The single print copy of Starting Out that St Clare’s has received is on the shelves in C12b. You may borrow it but please return it when you have finished reading it.

University of Lincoln “Armistice 100” Poetry Competition 2018

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The University of Lincoln have announced a poetry competition to commemorate the forthcoming 100th anniversary of Armistice Day (11/11/1918). Entries are open to the following groups:

9-12 years

13-16 years

17-18 years

All poems must not be longer than 500 words and must be primarily written in English. The deadline for entries is the 8th June 2018. For the full terms and conditions, click here. The poster for the competition can be seen below.

Armistice 100-1

University of Birmingham Q+A Sessions

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From 4pm to 7pm on Wednesday 29th November there will be two chat sessions available that you can drop in on at any point using these links:

Ask an Ambassador
Your chance to ask our current students anything you like about studying and life at the University of Birmingham.

Accommodation Questions Answered
The experts from our student accommodation team will be on hand here to answer any of your questions relating to accommodation at Birmingham.

There’s no need to sign in for the chats – just put the date in your diary and we’ll look forward to answering your questions!

Yale Young Global Scholars Information Evening


York University and Maastricht University Partnership


The Universities of York and Maastricht have agreed a major partnership in which they will establish joint research projects, teaching collaborations, knowledge exchange, student exchanges and sharing best practice among their staff.

The initial focus will be in the areas of crops, nutrition and public health, high-field imaging for medical diagnostics, data science, and international trade.

They will also work together on relationships with industry, and the employability of their students.

The two universities have complementary expertise in areas such as crop development, nutrition and health, cyber-security, medical imaging, and international law. Discussions on joint work in all these areas is underway.

In the short-term, the alliance will result in a shared PhD degree in public health, reciprocal business delegations, joint research workshops and conferences, and staff development programmes.

In the longer-term, the two universities intend to create more shared teaching programmes, including joint degrees, collaborative research centres, and knowledge sharing in technical and professional areas.

For more details click here.

Free talk – Aviation in the Age of Revolution

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NASA…It’s not just about space. Our lives are changing like never-before. They’re being shaped by new technologies that fuse the physical, digital and biological worlds converging to create the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ and are set to change things on the ground, and in the air .

Dr. Jaiwon Shin, associate administrator for NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, will talk about how this emerging reality is driving projects such as how we use experimental aircraft to test advanced technologies that could transform how we fly, such as commercial super-sonic planes, the technologies that can be part of an automated system for safe traffic management of drones, and new ways of using data from research to create a system that brings a favourite of science-fiction closer to science-fact, the ability to fly instead of drive, on demand through and around our cities.

Plus, from 5pm come and explore some of the exciting research from the University in our discover zone! This is the perfect opportunity to ask questions to our researchers and find out what’s being developed in the future. This talk is aimed at ages 16+

Click here for details and to register. Registration closes tomorrow!

New College of the Humanities Essay Competition – Deadline Reminder

NCH logo

The deadline for the NCH Essay Competition, with a £2,000 cash prize, is the 1st of December. This competition is open to all year 13 students and the essay titles are:

“Is Democracy the best form of government?”

“What is the future of globalism?”

“Do we need philosophers?”

To register and see the rules of the competition, click here.